
2月 10, 2011 | Filed Under 写真 > OTARU 




5 Responses to “あしあと。”

  1. yu on 2月 11th, 2011 2:03:22


  2. 195 on 2月 11th, 2011 22:02:33


  3. なお on 2月 12th, 2011 2:07:38


  4. 195 on 2月 12th, 2011 10:55:11


  5. Theo Mariner on 10月 1st, 2011 5:30:20

    here is something to think about helle clinton signed the small arms treaty,think about it do you care if the spanish or english own a gun, cauldron saz most illegal guns come from here but are mostly all russian made ak47 why ship then here, then take them across the border when mexico has 2000 miles of open borders,we have a pres that turned down help from 12 or 13 country in the first 3 days of the oil spill,ever thing this el stupo pres has or ever had was given by the tax payers, his dad had no money his mom had no money yeat he is a multi millionair, owns a 1.5 million dollar home in chicago been in office less then 2 years has spent more money in that time then the last 5 presidents put togetter ever one he knows is ether a crooks or thiefs just look at who can get in to see him, the same ones that he had his hand out to when he was running like acorn the unions, this man need to be impeached, but as long as the unions and liberals are in charge we will have to vote the liberals out, as the saying goes fool me one time shame on you fool me twice shame on me, if you like the change we got don,t vote, never think you don,t make a differance, look at what is happening in arizona, voting can make a differance,anyone that thinks odumbo is doing a good job ether has a hand out or is racist or just plain stuped or all the above

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